The year 1938 is accepted as the year of the foundation of the Institute. The necessary preliminary organizational work and selection of personnel is closely related to the name of Prof. Georgi Nenkov, the head of the Department of surgery in the Veterinary Medicine Faculty in Sofia and chief of the Veterinary Administration in the Ministry of Agriculture and Public Properties.
Basic research topics: Factors and mechanisms controlling cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in male and female reproductive systems. Identification, characterization and functional activity of receptors and ligand molecules participating in gametes interaction. Immune-endocrine regulation of the ovarian function. Biological and clinical significance of autoimmunity against ovarian antigens. Local regulatory factors and mechanisms in structural remodeling of cellular immunity during the phases of implantation and pregnancy. Development of model systems and methods for the study of the fertilizing capability of gametes in vitro, the diagnosis and treatment of immunologically mediated infertility in humans and animals. Role of metalloproteinases in normal breast physiology and in breast pathology.
The Department of Reproductive Biotechnologies and Cryobiology of Gametes has a long history that is closely related to the development of the Institute since its creation. The scientific and practical subject of the department is the founder of the Institute’s theme and proudly takes place as a leader among the academic community in the field of biology and immunology of reproduction of animals and humans.
The Department of Reproductive Biotechnologies and Cryobiology of Gametes has a long history that is closely related to the development of the Institute since its creation. The scientific and practical subject of the department is the founder of the Institute’s theme and proudly takes place as a leader among the academic community in the field of biology and immunology of reproduction of animals and humans.
Main research topics Research on reproduction in farm animals under naturally occurring conditions and elaboration of novel methods and approaches to facilitate maximum use of their reproductive capacity. Investigations on processes of superovulation and synchronization of the oestrous cycle between donors and recipients (cattle, sheep, goats, buffaloes), induced by different hormonal preparations and schedules during oestral, early and late anoestral season, with the aim to improve the embryobiotechnology in different animal species. …..
Since 2005 the main investigation priorities of the Molecular immunology department have been mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). The protocols for isolation of MSC from different adult tissues were developed. The research on autoimmune mechanisms of some diseases of the reproductive system such as endometriosis and prostate cancer were continued as well as the studies of tumor specific antigens and neo-angiogenesis.
Research topics Male and female neuroendocrine control of reproductive performance. Influence of stress and environmental factors on endocrine and immune mechanisms of subfertility. Chronobiology and neuroendocrine mechanisms of adaptation. Relationship between pineal gland and adrenocortical axis. Immunological aspects and physiological relevance. Homeostatic neuroendocrine regulation of the immune reactivity: regulatory interactions between neuroendocrine and immune systems.
The library at the Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction „Acad. K. Bratanov” (IBIR) was founded at the same time with the institute in 1938 and its fate is closely related to the institute’s development.
The Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction “Acad. K. Bratanov” disposes of contemporarily equipped laboratories for: 1. Proteomic analyses 2. Cell culture, physical and chemical analyses 3. In vitro fertilization and embryotransfer 4. Confocal and light microscopy