Career development of the academic staff in the IBIR-BAS

  • Career development of the academic staff in the IBIR-BAS

    IBIR announces the vacancy for associate professor positions

    The Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction “Acad. Kiril Bratanov” opens 2 procedures for associated professor positions. The announcements are published in “DYRJAVEN VESTNIK” N40/28.05.11 (1 position in “Immunology” and 1 position in “Breeding of farm animals, biology and biotechnology of reproduction”). The application and all documents – in Secretary office at following address : 73 Tzarigradsko shose, 1113 Sofia, phone 872 00 18.

    IBIR announces the PhD thesis defence

    IBIR announces the PhD thesis defence

    Qualified for participation in the procedures candidates:

    For Professors

    For Associate Professors

    3) Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction “Acad. Kiril Bratanov” launches a competition for associate professor position with advertisement in “DYRJAVEN VESTNIK”  No 9/03.02.2015: Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction “Acad. K.Bratanov “BAS – Sofia announces a competition for academic position associate professor in higher education code 4. Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics in the scientific field 4.3. Biological Sciences (06.01.23 Immunology) with 2 months period of application. Application documents – in the office of the institute: 1113 Sofia, bul. Tsarigradsko Shosse 73, tel. 872 00 18.

    For Assistant Professors

    For doctor of science (DSc)

    For “doctor” (PhD)

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