1. Bratanov, K., D. Pishev. Reference book for the application of the Law for the control of disease in stock breeding, IIO, 1946.
2. Bratanov, K. The hormones and life. People’s Culture, 1946.
3. Institute of organs diseases. Proceedings of the achievements in experimental and applied veterinary medicine, 1. Sofia, 1946.
4. Institute of organs diseases. Proceedings of the achievements in experimental and applied veterinary medicine, 2. Sofia, 1946.
5. Bratanov K. The problem with the vitamins today. People’s Culture, 1947.
6. Institute of organs diseases. Proceedings of the achievements in experimental and applied veterinary medicine, 3. Sofia, 1947.
7. Bratanov K., R. Prahov, D. Pishev, K. Kalev, Kr. Gerov. The astrakhan sheep. 1948.
8. Bratanov K. Artificial insemination of farm animals, Zemizdat, 1948.
9.Bratanov K. When and how are farm animals inseminated? Zemizdat, 1949.
10. Bratanov K. Artificial insemination of farm animals. Science and Art, 1949.
11. Gerov Kr. Protection of health of newly born farm animals. Zemizdat, 1949.
12. Kalev G. Nutrition, care and use of breeders. Zemizdat, 1950.
13. Bratanov K., G. Kalev, R. Prahov, Kr. Gerov, G. Georgiev. Братанов К., Г. Калев, Р. Прахов, Кр. Геров, Г. Георгиев. Artificial insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1950.
14. Bratanov K. Obstetrics of farm animals. Science and Art, 1950.
15. Bratanov K., R. Prahov, D. Pishev. Infertility in farm animals. Zemizdat, 1950.
16. Bratanov K. Artificial insemination of farm animals. Science and Art, 1952.
17. Bratanov K. Achievements of our stock breeding. 1954.
18. Georgiev R. Haematuria in cattle. Zemizdat,
19. Gerov K. Gastro-intestinal and lung diseases in newly-born and young farm animals and their control. Zemizdat, 1954.
20. Bratanov K. Enhancement of insemination and fertility in farm animals. Zemizdat, 1955.
21. Gerov K., A. Pophristov, I. Vasilev. Diseases of newborn and young farm animals. Zemizdat, 1955.
22. Kalev, G. Artificial insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1955.
23. Minchev P., K. Bratanov, G. Radev, M. Hubenov. Veterinary obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination, 1955.
24. Pophristov A., G. Petkov. Prophylaxis of non-infectious diseases in farm animals. 1955.
25. Prokopanov A., R. Prahov. Прокопанов А., Р. Прахов. Establishment of the pregnancy in farm animals. Zemizdat, 1955.
26. Bratanov K. Insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1956.
27. Bratanov K. Obstetrics of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1956.
28. Bratanov K., G. Kalev, R. Prahov. Manual for artificial insemination. Zemizdat, 1956.
29. Pishev D. Thrichomonosis in cattle and fight against it. Zemizidat, 1956.
30. Dimitrov S. et al. Manual for biopreparations and chimiotherapeutic means. Zemizdat, 1956.
31. Chenchev I., A. Tomov, A. Pophristov. Diseses of horses. Zemizdat, 1956.
32. Bratanov K., K. Gerov, D. Pishev. Fighting the infertility in farm animals. Zemizdat, 1957.
33. Bratanov K., K. Radev. Manual for practical studies in obstetrics and artificial insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1957.
34. Bratanov K. Insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1958.
35. Kalev G. Artificial insemination of farm animals for stock breeding schools. 2-nd edition, Zemizdat, 1958.
36. Marinov P. Application of biogenic stimulators in farm breeding and veterinary practice. 1958.
37. Minchev P., K.Bratanov, G. Radev. M. Hubenov. Veterinary obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination. Zemizdat, 2-nd edition, 1958.
38. MSG-NIIHBZ. Proceedings, 1958.
39. Proceedings of the Institute for breeding diseases and artificial insemination. Scientific papers, MZG, 1959.
40. Pishev D. Practical steps in fighting the infertility and abortions in cows. Zemizdat, 1959.
41. Bratanov K. Achievements of the Soviet biology in the field of stock breeding. NC of PF, 1959.
42. Gerov K. How to preserve the young farm animals and fowls? Zemizdat, 1959.
43. Proceedings of the Institute of Biology and Pathology of the Reproduction, BAS, 1960.
44. BAS- CRIIBD. Scientific papers. 1960.
45. Gerov K., A. Pophristov, I. Chenchev, I. Vasilev. Diseases of newborn and young farm animals, 2-nd edition, Zemizdat, 1960.
46. Dimitrov St. Mineral nutrition in farm animals. Zemizdat, 1960.
47. Lalov H., I. Chenchev, I. Vasilev. F. Diseases of fowls. Zemizdat, 1960.
48. Marinov P. The experience of the Veterinary Station in Burgas with supporting the veterinary practice. “Hristo Danov”, 1960.
49. International Meeting on biology abd pathology of reproduction of farm animals. BAS, 1960.
50. Minchev P., K. Bratanov, G. Radev. M. Hubenov. Veterinary obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination. Zemizdat, 3-nd edition, 1960.
51. Pishev D., R. Prahov. Diseases of the uterus of cows, 1960.
52. Prodanov P. Poisonous plants. Zemizdat, 1960. Проданов П.
53. Stoyanov P. The role of zoohyigene in decreasing the morbidity and mortality of farm animals in the Rhodope region, 1960.
54. Stoyanov P. Haematuria in cattle and its control, 1960
55. Scientific achievements for enhancement of insemination and fertility of farm animals. AAS – IBPR. Zemizdat, 1961.
56. Proceedings of the Institute of Biology and Pathology of the Reproduction, BAS, 1961.
57. BAS- CRIIBD. Proceedings,1961.
58. Bratanov K. Insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1961.
59. Balchev M. The bacteriophage and its applications in the veterinary practice. Zemizdat, 1961.
60. Dimitrov St., A.Vrigazov. Preparationa and specialties. Zemizdat, 1961.
61. Kalev G. Artificial insemination of farm animals for stock breeding schools. Zemizdat, 1961.
62. Simeonov S., P. Pelov. Mineral nutrition supplementation of farm animals as a protective means against some diseases. Zemizdat, 1961.
63. Proceedings of the Institute of Biology and Pathology of Reproduction. AAS, 1962.
64. Bratanov K., V. Dikov, D. Pishev. Fertilization in farm animals. 1962.
65. Bratanov K., V. Dikov, D. Danov. Fertilization in farm animals. Zemizdat, 1962.
66. Bratanov K., G. Radev. Manual for practical studies in obstetrics and artificial insemination of farm animals, Zemizdat, 1962.
67. Gerov K., P.Chushkov, Diseases in calves. Zemizdat, 1962.
68. Gerov K., P. Konstantinov, B. Cheshmedjiev, K. Josifov. Applications of microelemenst in stck breeding and veterinary medicine, 1962.
69. Gerov K., P. Konstantinov, P. Marinov. Applications of some biogenic stimulators in veterinary medicine and stock breeding, 1962.
70. Kalev G., R. Prahov, S. Doychev. Manual for artificial insemination of farm animals. 2nd edition, Zemizdat, 1962.
71. Proceedings of Biology and Pathology of Reproduction, AAS, 1963.
72. Proceedings AAS – CRIIND, 1963.
73. To higher fertility and fecundity of farm animals. (National Meeting, 11-12.07.1962, Sofia, AAS, 1963.
74. Konstantinov P, J. Denev. How to produce more meat? AAS, 1963.
75. Minchev P., K. Bratanov, G. Radev, M. Hubenov. Veterinary obstetrics, gynecology and artificial insemination. Zemizdat, 1963.
76. Nachev B., P. Gabrashanski, S. Dimitrov. Diseases in high productive cows. Zemizdat, 1963.
77. Nachev B., S. Nikov, H. Lalov. Clinico-laboratory diagnostics in veterinary medicine. Zemizdat, 1963.
78. Nachev B., S. Nikov, H. Lalov, P. Garbashanski. Internal non-infectious diseases. Zemizdat, 1963.
79. Petkov G., P. Stoyanov. To improve the hygiene in stock breeding premises. Zemizdat, 1963.
80. Petkov G., P. Stoyanov. Water and hygiene of watering. Zemizdat, 1963.
81. Prashkov I., M. Popov, T. Venkov. Veterinary minimal requirements for the stock-breeder. Zemizdat, 1963.
82. Prodanov P., G. Petkov. Veterinary prophylactic measure in cooperative farms. 1963.
83. Prokopanov A., R. Prahov. Diagnostics of pregnancy in farm animals. Zemizdat, 1963.
84. Obreshkov K., P. Bankov, P. Chushkov. Veterinary manual for fowl breeding. Zemizdat, 1963.
85. Scientific achievements to enhance the fertility and fecundity of farm animals. AAS – IBPR. Zemizdat, 1964.
86. Gerov K., P. Chushkov. How preserve the pigs and to enhance their growth. Zemizdat, 1964.
87. Gerov K., R. Georgieva. Muscle dystrophy in lambs and struggle against. Zemizdat. 1964.
88. Gergov K., R. Georgieva. Геров К., Р. Георгиева. Division method for breeding cattle. Zemizdat. 1964.
89. Kalev G. Artificial insemination of farm animals for stock-breeding schools. Zemizdat, 1964.
90. Lalov H., G. Petkov, A. Pophristov, P. Stoyanov. Hygiene of breeding fowls and measures to fight non-infectious diseases, 1964.
91. Tomov A., N. Naidenov. Preventing the animals from poisoning. Zemizdat, 1964.
92. Zagorski D. Scientific achievements to enhance the fertility and fecundity of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1964.
93. Applications of biogenic stimulators in stock-breeding and veterinary medicine (a collection of papers), 1965.
94. Bibliography of papers published by the Institute of Biology and Pathology of Reproduction and Non-infectious Diseases, 1938-1964, 1965.
95. Bratanov K. Biological foundations of reproduction of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1965.
96. Kalev G., D. Zagorski. Artificial inseminateion of swines. A review. AAS, 1965.
97. Bratanov K. et al. Problems in reproduction of farm animals. BAS, 1966.
98. Bratanov K., D. Pishev, R. Prahov, M. Balchev. Infertility in farm animals. Zemizdat, 1966.
99. Vulchanov V. Phagocytosis, athrocytosis and immunogenesis. 1966.
100. Kalev G., D. Zagorski. Artificial inseminateion of swines.1966.
101. Minchev S., N. Mincheva, V. Dikov et al. Abortions in farm animals. Zemizdat, 1966.
102. Georgiev G. Zagorski D. Scientific achievements to enhance the fertility and lower the mortality of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1967.
103. Ivanov N. Permeability and resorption of alimentary substances. 1967.
104. Minchev P, R. Prahov, G. Kalev et al. Минчев П., Р. Прахов, Г. Калев и колектив. Scientific achievements to enhance the fertility and lower the mortality of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1967.
105. Prahov R. Application of reproductive hormones in veterinary medicine and stock-breeding. Zemizdat, 1967.
106. Kalev G., D. Zagorski. Artificial insemination of swines. 1969.
107. Bratanov K., R. Balevska, I. Tanev. Symposium of sheep breeding in the Balkan countries. BAS, 1970.
108. Dikov V. Immunhaematology and immunogenetics of animals. 1970.
109. Gerov K., R.Georgieva. Diseases of calves, pigs, lambs and chicken. Zemizdat, 1970.
110. Kalev G., D. Zagorski, Z. Zachariev. Plodnosc I nieplodnosc swierzat domowych. Polska Akademia Nauk, 1971.
111. Petkov G., B. Baikov. Tryptophane and its metabolism in the organisms of animals in normal and pathologic states. 1971.
112. Bratanov K., G. Radev, D. Danov. Manual for practical studies in artificial insemination and obstetrics of farm animals. 1971.
113. Vulchanov V., R. Popivanov. Autiogenicity and autoimmunization. Medicine and Physculture, 1972.
114. Ivanov N. Biochemistry of farm animals. 1973.
115. Radev G., D. Danov, M. Semkov, B. Konstantinov. Artificial insemination of farm animals. 1973.
116. Georgiev G., L. Kostov. Hormonal methods for intensification of the reproductive process of farm animals. 1974.
117. Bratanov K. Intensification of the reproductive process of sheep. 1975.
118. Bratanov K. Problems of the intensification of the reproductive process of sheep. Zemizdat, 1975.
119. Petkov G, L. Borisova, B. Baikov. Veterinary-hygiene significance of toxic gasses in industrial breeding of farm animals and fowls. 1975.
120. Petkov G., B. Baikov. Preservation of the environment in industrial breeding of farm animals and fowls. 1975.
121. Prokopanov A., P. Marinov. Diseases of the genital organs of breeders. Zemizdat, 1976.
122. Vlahov K., M. Petrov, D. Golemanov. Manual for exercises in veterinary surgery. Zemizdat, 1976.
123. Simeonov S., G. Petkov, S. Nikov, M. Hubenov. Prophylaxis of cattle diseases in indusrial com[plexes. 1976.
124. Bratanov K., G. Radev. Biology of reproduction and artificial insemination of farm animals. 1977.
125. Ivanov N. Biomembranes and transport of substances in the alimentary tract of the organism. BAS, 1977.
126. Konstantinov G., P. Tsonev, G. Georgiev, A. Grancharov. Breeding with bases of genetics and private stock-breeding. Zemizdat, 1977.
127. Belemski S., K. Vangelov, D. Zagorski. Industrial swine breeding. Zemizdat, 1978.
128. Manual for artificial insemination of farm animals, 1978.
129. Petkov G, B. Baikov. Veterinary medical ecology. 1978. В
130. Simeonov S. Ketose in high productive cows. Zemizdat, 1978.
131. Sokolovskaya I., D. Zagorski, M. Semkov. Manual for artificial insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1978.
132. Radev G., I. Ivanov. Organization and technology of artificial insemination of cows. Zemizdat, 1979.
133. Bratanov K., N. Bankov, L. Kanchev. Application of hormonal preparations in veterinary medicine and stock-breeding. Zemizdat, 1980.
134. Bratanov K., D. Zagorski, N. Bobadov. Artificial insemination – terms and definitions. BDS, 1980.
135. Bratanov K. Unforgetables Братанов К. Незабравими meetings. 1980.
136. Georgiev H., M. Semkov. Artificial insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1980.
137. Koichev K, Vlahov K. Neoplasms (tumors). General veterinaru surgery. Zemizdat, 1980.
138. Bratanov K. Selected papers. Sofia, 1981.
139. Radev G., I. Nikolov, I. Manolov. Manual for exercises in biology of reproduction and artificial insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1981.
140. Baskeew Е., D. Zagorski et al. Fortpflangzung bei Schweinen. Veb. Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, Berlin, 1982.
141. Bankov N. Intensification of the reproductive process in ruminant animals. BAS, 1982.
142. Vlahov K. Transplantation of embryos in farm animals. 1982. В
143. Technology of reproduction in industrial swine breeding. Eds. I.Konning, D. Zagorski, 1982.
144. Cryobiology of gametes. IBIRDO-BAS, 1983.
145. Simeonov S. The ketosis and liver lipid dystrophy in cows. 1984.
146. Biology and immunology of reproduction of animals and humans. IBIRDO-BAS, 1984.
147. Ermenkova L., M. Mollova. K. Bratanov – Bio-bibliography, BAS, 1984.
148. Zagorski D., I. Nikolov. Agricultural encyclopedy, V.I, A-J, BAS, 1984.
149. Proceedings of the Symposium on cryoconservation of sperm from ram and boar (1982). IBIRDO – BAS, 1984.
150. Biotechnologies in reproduction. IBIRDO – BAS, 1985.
151. Zagorski D. Instruction for artificial insemination of swines. NAPS,. IBIRDO – BAS, 1985.
152. Ivanov N. Biochemistry. Zemizdat, 1985.
153. Kyurkchiev S., M. Stamenova, I. Bulanov, L. Marholev, K. Kirov. Manual for practical studies in biology for medical students, Medicine and Physculture, 1985.
154. Petkov G., B. Baikov. Guide of ecology. Science and Art, 1985.
155. Nikolov I., I. Manolov. Manual for exercises in biology of reproduction and artificial insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1986.
156. Prokopanov A., P. Marinov, G. Elezov, S. Tsolov. Diseases of the genital organs of cattle. Zemisdat, 1986.
157. Semkov M., D. Zagorski, K. Raichev, G. Jivkov, S. Chelebiiski. Guide book for artificial insemination of fram animals. Zemizdat, 1986.
158. Zagorski D., I. Nikolov. Agricultural encyclopedy, BAS, 1987.
159. Ivanov N., N. Nesterov. Physiology and biochemistry of fowls. 1987.
160. Semkov M., I. Nikolov. Biology of reproduction and artificial insemination of farm animals – textbook for students. Zemizdat, 1987.
161. Semkov M., I. Nikolov. Textbook of biology of reproduction and artificial insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1987.
162. Semkov M., I. Nikolov, I. Savov. Artificial insemination of farm animals – textbook for agricultural schools. Zemizdat, 1987.
163. Vlahov K., Semkov M, A. Alexiev. Transplantation of embryos in cattle breeding, 1987.
164. Nakov L., M. Kabasanova, M. Ancheva, M. Stamenova, V. Georgieva. Natural history – textbook for primary school. People’s Education, 1987.
165. Alexiev A., K. Vlahov, D. Karaivanov, D. Kacheva, M. Petrov, M. Alexiev, O. Polihronov, N. Nikolov, A. Dragoev, P. Radev. Manual for transplantation of embryos in buffalos. AAS, 1988.
166. Current topics of biology and immunology of reproduction. IBIRDO – BAS, 1988.
167. Semkov M., I. Nikolov, S. Georgiev. Intensification of the reproductive process in milk cattle breeding. 1988.
168. Georgiev G. Cellular and species specificity of the male gametes in mammals. 1988.
169. Ivanov V., V. Lazarov, P. Georgiev. Pathological physiology of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1988.
170. Kanchev L. Endocrine control of reproduction. 1988.
171. Alexiev A., K. Vlahov et.al. A Mannual for embyo transfer in buffaloes. Edition of Agr.Acad. and Bulg.Acad.Sci., 1988.
172. Petkov G., B. Baikov. Ecology of technologies in stock-breeding. 1988.
173. Semkov M., I. Nikolov, S. Georgiev. Intensification of the reproductive process I milk catle breeding, 1988.
174. Bankov N., L. Kanchev, L. Kostov, K. Vlahov. Biology and biotechnology of reproduction of farm animals. BAS, 1989.
175. Iliev I., G. Georgiev. Organization of the struggle against infertility in cows. Zemizdat, 1989.
176. Semkov M., I. Nikolov, I. Manolov, S. Georgiev. Manual for exercises of biology of reproduction and artificial insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1989.
177. Tsvetkov D. Male infertility. IBIRDO – BAS, 1989.
178. Maslev Ts., K. Vlahov, I. Ralchev, M. Karadochev, I. Lalev, A. Gavrilov, A. Alexeenko, A. Dronin. Methodical instructions for transplantation of embryos in meat breds of cattle. IPJS, 1990.
179. Semkov M., L. Kostov. Biological basis and biothechnological methods of rep[roduction in stock-breeding, 1990.
180. Zagorski D. Fortpfllanzungsbiologie und fortplanzunsstenerung bei rind, Schwein und schaf – ALDDR, 1990.
181. B.Baykov, D. Tyrawska Ecological studies on аnthropogenic ecosystems for production of poultry meat and eggs. Dziekanow Lesny, 1991.
182. Semkov M., I. Nikolov, V. Jordanov. Textbook of artificial insemination of farm animals – for agricultural schools. Zemizdat, 1991.
183. Semkov M., I. Nikolov, I. Manolov. Biology of reproduction and artificial insemination of farm animals. 1992.
184. Semkov M., I. Nikolov, I. Manolov. Biology of reproduction and artificial insemination of farm animals – textbook for students. Zemizdat, 1992.
185. Semkov M., D. Zagorski, I. Nikolov, S. Chelebiiski, B. Kenderov. Manual for artificial insemination of farm animals. Zemizdat, 1992.
186. Georgiev G., M. Petrov. The beginning of life. Biology and function of the sexual cells. 1994.
187. Baikov B. Ecology of stock-breeding. Textbook for student in the Facukty of ecology, Technical University, Varna, 1996.
188. Kehayov I., S. Kyurkchiev. Immunology of reproduction. In: Clinical Immunology, eds B.Bojkov, Knowledge, 1997.
189. Baikov B. Ecology, 1st part, NBU, 1998.
190. Kehayov I., S. Kyurkchiev. Compendium of immunology, 1999.
191. Tsvetkov D., P. Tsvetkova. Inborn diseases of the male genital tract and infertility. 1999.
192. Baikov B. Sozology. NBU. 1999.
193. Baikov B. Ecology of farm animals. NBU, 1999.
194. Vasilev Ch., V. Domkova, A. Pashov et al., Physiological autoimmunity or autoagression. Ed. Ch.Vassilev. Acad, ed. “porf. M. Drinov”, 2002.
195. Nikolov I., P. Rashev. Manual for practical exercises of biology of reproduction and artificial insemination of farm animals. Agricultu University, 2007.
196. Kanchev L., J. Boychev. Reproductive endocrinology. 2008.
197. Baichev G., P. Parvanov, I. Nikolov, M. Sabev, H. Shindarska. Artificial insemination and andrology of livestock, 2007.
198. Nikolov I. Biology and Biotechnology of Reproduction SS animals. 2008.
199. Kanchev L. G. Baichev, D. Kacheva. Assisted reproductive technologies in livestock. 2010.
200. Lolov S. Otosclerosis – A monography. 2010.